Enrichment/Special Events
We offer the following enrichment classes here in the center:
GYMSTERS: This class combines physical education, creative movement, motor development and fitness in a challenging, yet noncompetitive way.
CHAPEL TIME: We offer an optional Chapel Time once a week for the children, led by the Pastor or Youth Pastor of this church.
In the Summer we offer swimming classes and bowling classes as part of our field trips for our school agers.
***We also have special parties for every holiday, and hold other events such as:
**Vision Screenings
**Speech Screenings
**Scholastic Book Fair
**Grandparents Day
**Donuts with Dads
**Muffins with Mom
**School Pictures
**Week of the Young Child
**KR Graduation Program
**Autumn Open House
**Special Community Visitors
**KONA ICE TRUCK in the summer months